White Magick

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I Send My Wish Out to the Universe by Audra

I Send My Wish Out to the Universe by Audra£15.00

‘I Send My Wish Out to The Universe’
– with these words you can make things happen!

They are at the core of each of the authentic magick spells in this exciting book by Audra. Safe and simple spells that work!

Living in the Angels' Light by Viv Johnson

Living in the Angels' Light by Viv Johnson£19.99

All her life author Viv Johnson has lived in the ‘Angels’ Light’, a ‘life of continuous abundance, spiritual and material’, to use her words.

Lucky Once and For All by V Shott

Lucky Once and For All by V Shott£25.00

Become lucky not just ‘once in a blue moon’, but all of the time!


Lucky Stone Magick by Stella Pellan

Lucky Stone Magick by Stella Pellan£15.00

‘Lucky Stone Magic Helped Me Pay My Debts and Brought Me True Love’
– declares author Stella Pellan in her booklet ‘Lucky Stone Magic’.
It also got her blood pressure down to normal and ended her panic attacks, she says.

Magic Every Day of the Week by Christine Ogilvy

Magic Every Day of the Week by Christine Ogilvy£15.00

You can work magic every day of the week. Quickly and without anyone knowing! No candles, no herbs, oils and incenses! And hardly any visualisation involved!

Magic Mind Rooms by S Rob

Magic Mind Rooms by S Rob£15.00

A new method of working with Ceremonial Magic.

Magick At It's Very Best by Jason Pike

Magick At It's Very Best by Jason Pike£16.00

Magick from India! Magick from ancient Egypt! Magick from Rome!


Magick Secrets of the East and West by William Oribello and John Pope

Magick Secrets of the East and West by William Oribello and John Pope£25.00

Here are the magickal formulae of two important traditions, one from the East, that of the Magi of the Persians, the other from the ancient northern European culture based on the runes.

Both traditions derive ultimately from the same common source in the Middle East.

Materializing A Powerful Magick Mentor by Carl Nagel

Materializing A Powerful Magick Mentor by Carl Nagel£32.99

Reveals not only how to create a Magick Mentor but also how to cast the secret spells of Genuine magick...

The Magick of Casting Spells by Marcus T. Bottomley

The Magick of Casting Spells by Marcus T. Bottomley£15.00

Now you can invoke the spirits of money and good luck to do your bidding through - THE MAGICK OF CASTING SPELLS

Fascination by Master Count De Leon

Fascination by Master Count De Leon£15.00

How is it that certain persons can radiate an irresistible fascination? How is it that some can effortlessly get others to do as they please – willingly? Why do some, seemingly effortlessly, get ahead whilst the rest of us struggle to get by?

What is the secret of this mysterious quality – fascination? How can one acquire it without appearing to be pretentious? Well, it can be acquired. It is a secret known only to a certain branch of occultism.

God's White Magick by Marcus T. Bottomley (Original Edition)

God's White Magick by Marcus T. Bottomley (Original Edition)£27.00


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