Reversing Satanic Judgments in Heavenly Courts by Prayer M. Madueke

Reversing Satanic Judgments in Heavenly Courts by Prayer M. Madueke
 Reversing Satanic Judgments in Heavenly Courts by Prayer M. MaduekeReversing Satanic Judgments in Heavenly Courts by Prayer M. Madueke 

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Prayers for Cleansing Ancestral Bloodlines in the Courts of Heaven


Unlocking Destinies From the Courts of Heaven

Evil Judgements are satanic verdicts released on Gods children by satanic agents. This satanic verdict if not overturned, can lead to a total destruction of life and destiny. A lot of Christians today are struggling to survive because of one evil judgement or another, that have been released upon their lives. Evil judgement can work against you whether you are aware or not, innocent or not, as a matter of fact, many people where placed under the spell of evil judgement from their mother's womb.

The good news is this, all evil pronouncements can be overruled, we overrule them by releasing divine pronouncements over our life and destiny, just as light dispels darkness, divine pronouncements overrules every form of evil judgement. Every child of God must learn to speak the blessings of God over his/her life, we must learn to condemn with our mouth every satanic verdicts released in our direction. A closed mouth is a closed destiny, we must not allow the devil to keep speaking curses over our life, we must shut him down by speaking the blessings of God into our lives. Jesus said we shall have what we say, Mark 11:23-24.

This book Reversing Satanic Judgments in Heavenly Courts contains the keys to overturn every satanic verdict spoken over your life, after going through the declarations in this book you will be totally free from Evil Judgments in Jesus name.




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