Scandinavian Super Spells By Kris Svensen

Scandinavian Super Spells By Kris Svensen

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AUTHOR WRITES –– My name is Kris Svensen. It is not my real name for I want to protect the identity of the friends with whom I have shared these spells, and I don’t want the whole world to know that I believe in and practise the occult. For even in this age there are many who laugh at such things, and still others who are frightened or vindictive.

I have studied the occult all my life and have greatly benefited from it, but it was only when I found these Scandinavian Super Spells, did my life go forward in leaps and bounds. My greatest problem had always been my reticence with people, particularly women. No matter how I tried to make myself confident I would always end up feeling inadequate. The occult helped me but it never lasted, it wasn’t permanent. It was only when I turned to Scandinavian Super Spells that there was a marked change, a change that I previously could not even have imagined.

The change was this, I didn’t have to worry about ‘pulling’ women, they now automatically approached me. Since then they always make the first move. They seek me out. My reserve evaporated when it became all too obvious that they were even more interested in me than I was in them! But it didn’t stop there. I seem to attract people – the kind of people I want – without any effort. I never lack for company. My reserve and shyness is well and truly consigned to the past. I now feel such a happy and contented person. I swear by everything I believe in that this is true. Let me be struck down by the powers if I am lying.

So enthused was I by the effect of these spells I did some more research and found that the ancient Scandinavian symbolism on which they are based speaks, according to psychologists such as Carl Jung, directly to the subconscious mind. This symbolism is more potent than giving the subconscious mind a lot of ‘commands’ to do this or that. You only have to cast the spells and the subconscious mind does the rest!

I now lack for nothing thanks to these spells. A new car when I want it … expensive gifts received from others. Even holidays paid for by them. I have no problem with a supply of money. I always have as much as I need … sometimes much more! I have given these spells to the few people I can really trust. They report startling results.

A young attractive female friend of mine had no lack of admirers, all except the fellow she really wanted. He had no interest in her at all. ‘Not my type’, he said. What could she do? I suggested the appropriate Scandinavian spell. Four days afterwards she unexpectedly encountered him and he was unusually friendly towards her. They soon began dating and romance blossomed.

A long time friend of mine had a similar problem. The woman he was in love with barely acknowledged him, let alone was friendly. I told him he had nothing to lose by trying the Scandinavian transformation spell. Within days this ice cube of a woman melted and they soon began dating!

The possibilities for these spells are virtually without limit...!!!

They can be applied to almost anything.

There is a particular one – the spell to overcome a difficult situation – which has helped me numerous times. I don’t have to worry about anything life throws at me, this spell gets me through it. There is even a spell for breaking up two people. Now, this should not be cast for selfish purposes, but only when someone else’s happiness is at stake.

For example, someone I helped was very concerned about his brother’s involvement with a married woman which was having a detrimental effect on the brother’s own marriage. A spell was cast and soon the illicit lovers were quarrelling and then split up. A marriage was saved, and possibly the woman’s too. 

Let me give you an example of the Scandinavian Super Spell to Change Another’s Attitude. My nephew was giving his mother grief with his sulking, self-centred ways. 23years-old, he had the attitude of a five-year-old. Something had to give. My sister cast the spell. Within a week there was already a change. He began showing more consideration and started helping with household chores. He became a totally different person.

In my book I explain the Scandinavian Astral Doorway: through it you can at last experience journeys into other realms – happily and safely. You can come face to face with your guardian angels and converse with them. In my book you will find the spell For Bringing Riches & Gifts – once set in motion it cannot be stopped. There is the Scandinavian All-Purpose Success Spell to ensure a positive outcome to every endeavour, be it finding a job, getting a promotion or a pay rise, or some other career advancement; and so on. Whether we realize it or not, we are continually subject to a barrage of negative thoughts which undermine us. In my book you will find the Cast-Iron Protection Against Evil Spell which, at a stroke, dissolves these energies, at last freeing you to get on and ‘be lucky’. The spell also brings protection of your person, home, and possessions.

Some other things you will find in my book are: the Super Spell for Experiencing Joy & Happiness … Spells for love; for sexual encounters; and for fertility … a Super Spell to deal with anyone making life difficult for you … a spell to free yourself of doubt and uncertainty; forget the past and gain peace of mind.

A very good friend of mine found himself plunged into the depths of despair. His wife had suddenly and inexplicably walked out, despite what to all appearances seemed a perfect marriage. They rarely disagreed; never quarrelled. Together we discussed it at length and could find no explanation for her behaviour. I felt apprehensive about telling him of Scandinavian Super Spells, but I still came right out with it, for I couldn’t bear seeing him so unhappy. He didn’t believe, but said, ‘What the heck, what have I got to lose?’ Two days later she phoned him begging him for forgiveness. I could go on, but if you’re interested you will have to see for yourself.

It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me!

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