Secrets of a Born Psychic By Marcus T. Bottomley

Secrets of a Born Psychic By Marcus T. Bottomley
 Secrets of a Born Psychic By Marcus T. BottomleySecrets of a Born Psychic By Marcus T. Bottomley 

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Marcus T. Bottomley writes: ‘I broke the bank at Monte Carlo.’ ‘I walked away with $700,000 from Las Vegas.’ Being a ‘born psychic’, at Monte Carlo I could forecast the run of the bobbing roulette ball, and tell nine times out of ten whether the wheel would come up black or red, and almost every night the exact winning number. At Vegas I rolled the dice fifty times and didn't miss once. Needless to say, they didn’t want me back! I am rich. I don’t need to ‘work for a living’.

My fortune has been accumulated through astute gambling, stocks and shares and investments. No, I’m not a particularly good ‘businessman’: I accept my limitations and put my fortune down to what I call ‘psycho-tellic power’. What I do is study the forecasts or the advice I receive and follow only the promptings of psycho-tellic power. It doesn't matter if everyone says values and shares are going up if psycho-tellic power tells me otherwise I follow only that. It hardly ever fails me.

Before the recent stock market falls and banking collapses I had already sold most of my shares and investments and those that I didn't sell I simply shifted elsewhere. Those who know me think I am some sort of ‘financial wizard’ but I am nothing of the sort (though ‘wizard’ may be apt!)’ Anyone can do the same as me. Anyone can be what is called a ‘born psychic’. In fact everyone is ‘born psychic’ – it is just that in some the power blossoms quickly and unhindered. But for most it remains dormant. When property values kept going up and up and my financial advisers suggested I should buy more, my psycho-tellic power was clear that values would in fact fall.

So I sold four of my six properties, against my advisors’ advice. Two months later prices began plunging. My book shows how you, too, can become a ‘born psychic’. In it you will see how to judge: – Whether a particular horse or dog will win – Whether a particular stock or share will rise or fall – The likeliest winning numbers in pools, lotteries, etc. I am amazed that many so-called ‘psychics’ who advise others resort to subterfuge and guesswork. Authentic powers are always there on tap, increasing the more you use them! Ignoring the experts’ advice on property values netted me a cool half million!

When I hear of those ‘born psychics’ who are struggling to make ends meet, I have no idea what they are doing (or not doing!). It is so easy! These powers can be employed for a lot more than money and materialism. You can learn about your own future – and the future of others. This is not a bad thing: by knowing your own immediate future you can avoid pitfalls and sidestep misfortune. Our fate is not sealed in stone – we can change it! Your mind contains the most astonishing power: it can receive and transmit (hence ‘psycho-tellic’) the thoughts of others. You can actually hear the thoughts of others as they think them! You can thwart the plans of those who mean no good! You can plant thoughts in other people’s heads. Very useful for influencing another.

I did it when I sought the interest of a particular lady, hitherto indifferent to me and my wealth. In a flash I changed her attitude! The wacky thing is that the thoughts she had of me she believed were her own – but I actually planted them in her mind! Don’t be fobbed off with any notion that you have to be ‘especially gifted’ for these powers to work. You don’t. You already have these powers — you only need to activate them!

Here are just some of the things you will find in my book: – How to find anything that is missing – How to receive the immediate protection of the archangel Michael – How to win the respect of others – How psycho-tellics can make your self-confidence soar – The easy way to pass tests and exams – Remembering facts, details, names – through your own psychic power and not by memory training – Reading someone’s mind at a distance – The psycho-tellic earphone – Turning enemies into friends – Succeeding in any endeavour: in any job or profession – Using these powers to receive brilliant money-making ideas that could make you rich

Are you a ‘born psychic’? You bet! Find out now...!!!

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