The Chant of Light By Marion Montgomery

The Chant of Light By Marion Montgomery
 The Chant of Light By Marion MontgomeryThe Chant of Light By Marion Montgomery 

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Brand:  Finbarr Occultism




Man wins 4 big cash prizes; also the money for a deposit on his dream house – all within six weeks! Woman, poor and unqualified, gets wonderful opportunity and soon finds her money worries a thing of the past! Man gets big pay rise; then is offered a position at twice the salary! These and others are some of the examples of the Chant of Light at work – a mystic formula that never fails, claims authoress Marion Montgomery. It is so simple!

The Chant of Light brings protection, safeguarding one from personal injury and danger, she says! The Chant of Light, she claims, brings vitality – relieving one of fatigue and exhaustion. The Chant of Light brings riches, says Miss Montgomery: an end to scraping and toiling. Abundance instead of lack. The Chant of Light brings friendship, love, romance! Never lack for friendship and love again.

The Chant of Light brings power and influence!

According to Miss Montgomery, with this ancient oriental formula at your command, others will feel impelled to do as you wish. And do so gladly and willingly! You can possess an influence over others – unknown to them – an influence which can turn those antagonistic into your friends! The universe consists of light: this mystic formula invokes that mighty reality! And with the vibration of the greatest word of oriental power!

It is healing and therapeutic, and absolutely safe to apply!

The effects of well being and personal power are felt immediately! The material and practical benefits experienced within days, sometimes within hours! This power brings all the positive forces of the universe to work unfailingly on your behalf, declares the authoress! The Chant of Light heals! It lifts the spirit! It changes circumstances!

Above all it turns the darkness of one’s circumstances into light! It protects, heals and guides. It enhances your powers of extra-sensory perception, warning you of the mischief of others. This book gives practical examples of this at work. You can stop yourself being betrayed or taken for granted! This wondrous power can be experienced immediately! It can be used by anyone of any faith. It invokes only forces for good.

Light is never bad!

This mystic formula can miraculously lift your burdens! In a flash you can feel better and actually see that there is ‘light at the end of the tunnel’. This mighty – yet simple – formula allows the Light to shine in your life! A light which no one can stop! Allow yourself to be surrounded and shielded every single moment by the Light! This miraculous power cannot be thwarted! It works solely for your good and for the good of others! It is the perfect antidote to all forces of darkness and negativity! It brings an end to despair.

It brings hope and optimism.

You have to experience it to believe it. You can walk in the Light!

No-one can see it, but you can feel its presence, guiding and protecting you every step of the way!

Time and again the authoress’ inspiring words have helped others, and in no clearer way than in financial matters! Decide what it is you want. You must have a clear idea of your expectation when entering any game of chance or contest, she says. The Chant of Light can only guide when you know exactly what it is you want! If you don’t know exactly what you want – particularly in financial matters – the authoress shows what you should do.

With the Chant of Light there is only one way – and that is up and forward!

You will feel the wondrous healing inspiring power of the Chant of Light the moment you invoke it. You will certainly know you will be helped – and helped you will be, of which Miss Montgomery has no doubt! The power is as formidable as the universe itself; it guides you unerringly to winning and to success! It can make you into a magnet towards others, making you particularly attractive to those you seek. Riches, luxuries, and all the prosperity that life can offer may no longer elude you in the Chant of Light! You can be a winner.

You can be inspired. You can feel motivated. You can possess energy and vitality you never thought possible! 

‘THE CHANT OF LIGHT BRINGS ALL’, asserts Miss Montgomery!

The Chant of Light changes everything!

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Riches! Love! Power!

Chant your way to winning contests, etc.!

Chant your way to another person’s undying devotion!

Chant your way to success in every endeavour!




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