The Divine Light By Charles Goodwin

The Divine Light By Charles Goodwin
 The Divine Light By Charles GoodwinThe Divine Light By Charles Goodwin 

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Brand:  Finbarr Occultism




Mystic masters from all times and epochs have spoken of ‘the Light’ – a phenomenon which releases the spirit, bringing the miraculous into being.

Now, for the first time, this amazing power is revealed in a form that can work practical ‘miracles’ every day! Truly this is the ‘Gateway to Triumphant Living’ – to living life as never before! In the Light perfect health is possible. Long standing health complaints disappear. 

Author Charles Goodwin tells of how a man who suffered all his life from the severest migraine attacks was helped immediately once he activated the Light. Six months later he still hadn’t had another attack. A young woman’s ugly hand warts simply dropped off! The Light dissolves all negativity. Not just the negativity in yourself but in others too. A man who loved his job but for one thing – his boss was temperamental, in fact a bully! But in the Divine Light he was able to effect the most remarkable change!

Another man dreaded the in-fighting and back-stabbing at his place of work. He wanted to leave but decided to try the Divine Light instead. Within weeks the office atmosphere had changed completely and he has never been happier! The body contains several major points of Light which, when activated, can have the most wondrous effect on oneself and surroundings! And once set in motion works continuously! When a man momentarily tuned into the Light at the dog track he suddenly heard the numbers 5 and 6 in his head, so bet his last £25 accordingly. He walked away with £962!

The Light is not something that should be considered the sole preserve of spiritual adepts. ‘It is a natural power that can be used by all’, declares the author. ‘It is not wrong to go into the Light seeking riches, love, or anything else your heart desires. On the contrary, it is the will of the Divine Mind’, he says. To get started is as simple as flicking a light switch!

A woman found the attitude of her husband transformed after activating the Light. ‘My children have changed too’, she told the author. ‘The host of “illnesses” they had disappeared and they are much better behaved. They are doing better at school to boot.’ ‘From discord to harmony we have become such a happy family’, she says.

You can go as far as you want in the Light, according to the author. ‘The sky’s the limit; and you are always perfectly safe, for the Divine Light is all-protective and all-loving.’ ‘It attracts only love and harmony’, he declares. ‘It melts away all opposition and turns hate to love.’ A long-term unemployed man suddenly found work the very next day after turning to the Light. ‘And it turned out to be the best job I’ve ever had!’ he says.

What wonders can this love-embracing Power do for you? Whatever your need or desire it can supply – and more!

A black nurse found herself isolated in an all-white environment. ‘On paper racial prejudice is no longer supposed to exist, but here it was straight in my face’, she lamented. ‘I was deflated to put it mildly.’ The author reassured her that in the Divine Light ignorance and prejudice cannot survive and urged her to give it a go. She followed his advice. ‘Today I feel more at home here than I did in my native Kenya! I can’t believe the difference – we are one big happy family!’

Let the stream of prospering Light into your life. Allow yourself to be warmed and embraced by it. Turn a new leaf – and prepare to ‘live triumphantly’...!!!

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