19th Century Ceremonial Magick
The Magus, or Celestial Intelligencer is a handbook of the occult and ceremonial magic compiled by occultist Francis Barrett published in 1801.
The Magus by Francis Barrett is one of the primary sources for the study of the occult and ceremonial magick, and for a long time was one of the rarest and most sought after grimoire spell book in the 19th century. Few people, even today, know that The Magus is a compilation, almost entirely consisting of selections from Cornelius Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy, the Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy attributed to Agrippa and the Robert Turner's 1655 translation of the Heptameron of Peter of Abano.
Francis Barretts' magnum opus embodies deep knowledge of Alchemy, Astrology, and the Kabbalah, and has been cited by the Golden Dawn and other occult and esoteric movements as source material. Written in 1801 in the middle of the 'Age of Reason', sandwiched between Newton and Darwin, this was possibly the last epoch that a work like this could be composed. We take every step possible to ensure the original integrity of this book has been upheld to its highest standard. This means that the texts in this story are unedited and unchanged from the original authors publication, preserving its earliest form for your indulgence.
The Magus by Francis Barrett is one of the most intriguing grimoire spell book of all time, with words strung together with so much passion and power, literature that you just do not see in the modern age.
This book will make an excellent gift to the ceremonial magick buff in your life or a pleasant addition to your current collection. We are ready to ship this book off to you today at lightning speed, so you will find yourself indulging in this title without delay.